Write yourself out of pain
Anyone who deals with chronic pain on a daily basis knows how much of a serious issue that it really is. While there are hundreds of remedies and procedures out there that claim to work, most always are they just a temporary fix that can end up costing countless amounts of money with no real results.
It has recently been discovered that there is one remedy that can be done by anyone, and for free. It is something the mostly everyone has done at some point in their life, and can be done virtually anywhere! Studies have shown that writing can actual help with relieving pain through the mental aspect that comes along with dealing with chronic pain issues. Mental treatment is one side of chronic pain that is often not dealt with, because most treatments are only targeting the physical facet, but the mental side is just as important!
Writing is a great way to separate you from your thoughts. It gets your mind off of the negative aspects that come along with dealing with chronic pain, and focuses your energy into something else. It can be as simple as taking an hour or two a day or even a few times a week to devote time to writing and get your mind off the pain. It can be done anywhere, at virtually any time!
There have already been tests amongst patients to prove that this exercise can improve the healing process even at the basic level, and it is at no cost to you other than a pen and a piece of paper. Give it a try, and start your healing process today!
This blog is written for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for actual medical treatment. Please contact the APM Augusta office to schedule an appointment if you are in need of medical care.
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