Sleeping with Back Pain
It goes without saying that chronic back pain can disrupt your life in many ways, and one of the most impactful ways it can affect your life is in the quality of your sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep can be almost impossible when you are fighting chronic back pain. And, when you don’t get enough sleep, you only become more miserable. The combination of pain and low quality sleep time can take a huge toll on your life. To add insult to injury, you can become even more sensitive to your pain when you’ve been experiencing a lack of sleep. That’s right: your back pain causes you to lose sleep, which in turn causes you to experience more pain.
So, how to sleep with back pain? Of course, you can try using medications to help relieve pain and help you sleep. But, you have to be careful, because sometimes certain medications and painkillers can affect your sleep patterns in different ways. Beyond painkillers, you can do a few other things to improve your chances of getting a good night’s rest. You can avoid caffeine late in the day, avoid eating close to bedtime, avoid alcohol, practice meditation and relaxation techniques, and set a normal bedtime routine that you follow every single night. You should also avoid sleeping on your stomach, because that puts added stress onto your back.
Call us today and set up an appointment to discuss your lack of sleep. It’s important for us to know all the details about your sleep deprivation in order to develop a plan to manage your chronic pain so that you can rest. Getting the right amount of sleep will go a long way in helping you to recover and get better, faster.
This blog is written for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for actual medical treatment. Please contact the APM Augusta office to schedule an appointment if you are in need of medical care.
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