Relive chronic pain with your mind
For majority of chronic pain sufferers, the search for relief never stops. It’s about finding the right pain relief technique that works best for you, because everybody is different. Many relief techniques involve medications, or medical procedures to stop and prevent further pain, but many people do not realize that they already come equipped with a natural pain reliever—their brain.
The brain is what process all the pain signals that you experience with chronic pain. While it is what makes you feel this discomfort, and can also be used to relieve it as well. Try focusing on these techniques to help train your brain to stop pain.
-Learn how to relax
Place yourself in a calming environment, such as a quiet dark room, and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing, completing deep breaths until you begin to feel relaxed. Once you are relaxed, it’s amazing what your body can accomplish in terms of ridding itself of pain! There are multiple imagery techniques that you can now perform once relaxed.
-Alter your focus
Focus on the area of the body where you are experiencing pain, and alter the sensation with your mind. Imagine yourself not feeling any pain at all, and your mind will soon become distracted from the pain, providing relief.
While this technique is not guaranteed to work for everyone, it is worth a try for anyone who is constantly trying to find a chronic pain relief method that works for them. As long as you can master relaxation, you already are making steps to relieving your body of chronic pain!
This blog is written for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for actual medical treatment. Please contact the APM Augusta office to schedule an appointment if you are in need of medical care.
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