Lower Back Exercises for Back Pain
When you have back pain, the thought of exercise probably doesn’t sound very appealing. But, sometimes getting active can help you work through the pain and prevent future pain from happening. Remember, before you start any exercise program, you should check with your doctor first in order to avoid any potential problems.
When it comes to exercise activity and lower back pain, the type of exercise you do makes a big difference. One of the most important things to know is which exercises to avoid. You should not do standing toe touches, complete sit-ups, or leg lifts. All of these put undue pressure upon your lower back. If you are already experiencing pain, these exercises will only make it worse.
Good exercises for lower back pain include hamstring stretches, partial crunches, wall sits, press-up back extensions, and lying knee-to-chest movements. You should also include low-impact aerobic exercises like walking, swimming, or biking. Swimming is probably the best aerobic exercise for lower back pain, because it allows you to move freely while the water provides support for your body. Weight lifting can also be beneficial if done correctly, but you should be extra careful when working out with weights.
Again, you should only begin an exercise campaign under the supervision of your physician, especially if you are currently experiencing lower back pain. Your doctor can determine the best type of exercise for your lower back pain so you can recover quicker and not do any more damage.
If you have any questions about exercise and lower back pain, please contact us today at Advanced Pain Management in Augusta.
This blog is written for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for actual medical treatment. Please contact the APM Augusta office to schedule an appointment if you are in need of medical care.
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