End your pain with natural remedies
For dealing with chronic pain, many people choose medication as their go to quick fix. It makes sense, as there are many brands and forms of medicine readily available to relieve aches and pains that are associated with everyday chronic pain. While these medicines can be effective in stopping pain in its tracks, there are natural remedies that can actually relieve the pain, and without the side effects that sometimes comes along with medicine.
The most common, and easiest to practice natural remedy can be found in certain foods that you may eat. Strawberries and grapes are both great foods to eat to help fight against inflamed muscles that cause everyday pain. Consuming a good sized portion up to three days a week can help lower pain levels that you are experiencing.
Relieving pain can be as simple as getting out in the sun a few times a week. The sun emits Vitamin D into our skin that has been known to help fight against cases of fibromyalgia, staying indoors too much can starve your body of the necessary vitamins to keep pain away.
Practicing yoga has also proven to decrease pain levels through relaxing your body. Just by implementing the exercise once or twice a week has proven to lower levels have pain in the body due to relaxation and high oxidation entering through your body.
While these practices require more than one time use, inputting them into your daily life only a few times a week can significantly decrease pain levels without the need to worry about the best medication to use!
This blog is written for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for actual medical treatment. Please contact the APM Augusta office to schedule an appointment if you are in need of medical care.
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