Chronic Pain and Aging
A recent study by Gallup indicates that more than one third of Americans above the age of 50 suffer from some type of chronic back or neck pain, while a slightly smaller amount suffer from chronic pain in the leg or knee. The amount of reported chronic pain increases most dramatically from ages in the mid 20s until the late 50s, which is when most people are working in their careers. This trend tends to drop off as ages progress into the decades 60s and 70s. The researchers go on suggest that this is because chronic pain sufferers are more likely to die at a younger age than those who don’t suffer from this type of pain.
What does this tell us? It appears that some chronic pain can be closely tied to other conditions that could lead to deaths at a younger age, such as heart disease. That’s why it is very important for you to not ignore your pain, since it could indicate that something else could be going on. It’s important for you to discuss the causes of your chronic pain with your physician, especially as you get older. You shouldn’t just assume that you’re experiencing pain simply because of age or that it is just a fact about getting older. You should also not just put up with it. Chronic pain is not considered a normal part of aging, so don’t ignore the warning signs.
If you have any questions about chronic pain and its relationship to aging, please contact us here at Advanced Pain Management. We can help you determine the underlying causes of your chronic pain, and we can help you manage your chronic pain so that you can live a longer and more productive life.
This blog is written for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for actual medical treatment. Please contact the APM Augusta office to schedule an appointment if you are in need of medical care.